Intercessions – July 11, 2021

Priest: reminded that we are chosen to do our part in seeing all things fulfilled in Christ,  we lift up our prayers in humble confidence….

  1. For a renewed openness to the voice of prophecy and the call to repentance, let us pray to the Lord….                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
  1. That those in search of work be blessed with good jobs, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. For continued progress in our battle against the coronavirus, especially in problem areas of the world and for growing openness to vaccinations, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. That we may appreciate and care well for the gifts and blessings of the natural world, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. For vacationers and all travelers, for our own young people who will participate next week in the new summer camp programs at Camp De Sales, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. That young people respond with love and courage to the call of Christ to religious vocations and present themselves to be sent out to do good, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. For all who have gone before us and those who grieve them, in particular… 

5:30 PM – Dick Smith, Lvg.

9:00 AM – James and Marguerite Cannon

11:00 AM – Michele Orozco Fowler

…for whom we offer this Mass. Let us pray to the Lord….

Priest: Heavenly Father, author of Sacred Scripture, help us receive what you have revealed in your Holy Word. Give us a greater hunger to daily seek you in the scriptures that we may better know you and your Son. May your Holy Spirit open us to be transformed by Your Holy Word throughout this year of the Bible. In Christ’s name we pray….