Intercessions, Feast of the Baptism of the Lord – January 9, 2022

Priest:  As we conclude our celebration of the birth of Jesus and on this day commemorate his baptism by John, we lift up our prayers in humble confidence….

  1. For a deep appreciation of the gift of our own baptism, for those baptized this past year, for all preparing for baptism in the RCIA program and for those forming them in the faith, let us pray to the Lord….                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
  1. That the residents in the land of the Jordan River and all those in the Middle East be blessed with peace, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. For success in this long battle to subdue the coronavirus, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. That all who serve in government do so wisely and selflessly for the sake of the common good and with special attention to those in need, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. For our neighbors at St. Joseph Shrine as they cope with the sudden death of their pastor, Fr. Dave Hudgins, and likewise for our neighbors at Our Lady of Fatima challenged by the illness of their pastor, Fr. Satheesh Alphonse, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. That we be blessed with an increase in religious vocations, for all in formation and discernment and those who teach and guide them, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. For all who have gone before us and those who grieve them, in particular… 

4:30 PM —James and Marguerite Cannon

9:00 AM — Raymond Sobocinski

11:00 AM —Parishioners of St. Rita

…for whom we offer this Mass. Let us pray to the Lord….

Priest: On this feast of the Baptism of the Lord we lift up these prayers and many more, unspoken. Even as we ask, we give thanks to the Lord. In Christ’s name we pray….