Intercessions – Holy Thursday, April 14, 2022

Priest: Here at the beginning of the sacred triduum, remembering that like the disciples of old, we too are called… to faith, to service, to prayer, fasting and almsgiving, we lift up these prayers in humble confidence….

  1. For all of us, for all the Church during these holy days, that we live and spread the Gospel with new energy, let us pray to the Lord….                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
  1. That those weary and weighed down by the burdens of life find new joy and hope in the upcoming celebration of Easter, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. For continued diligence in our battle against the coronavirus and for the return of those who have been away from the Eucharist and our community, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. That the power of Christ crucified brings peace to Ukraine and all war-torn parts of our world, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. For all those preparing for the sacraments through the RCIA as well as for our young people preparing for First Communion and Confirmation, and likewise for all those participating in our Alpha program, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. That this commemoration of the First Eucharist inspires new vocations to religious life, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. For all who have gone before us and those who grieve them, in particular… 

7: 00 PM — Dan Verlin

…for whom we offer this Mass. Let us pray to the Lord….

Priest: As we do all this in memory of Jesus, may we stir up one another to love and good works, humbly and confidently lifting up these prayers and many others, unspoken. In Christ’s name we pray…