Intercessions – September 11, 2022

Priest:  To Christ our Good Shepherd who seeks out the lost and forsaken, we lift up our prayers in humble confidence….

  1. That we all recognize our need for repentance and ongoing conversion, let us pray to the Lord….                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
  1. For the healing of wounds and divisions in our families and in our nation as well, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. That the encouragement of improved vaccinations bring us closer to success in our long battle with the coronavirus,  let us pray to the Lord….
  1. For peace and healing in Ukraine, in all war-torn parts of our world and in all our hearts still wounded by the tragedies of 9/11/ 2001, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. That we joyfully honor and always respect the wisdom and experience of the elderly in our midst, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. For the safety and integrity of all who serve in the military and law enforcement, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. For all who have gone before us and those who grieve them, in particular… 

4:30 PM — Rosemary Chesney

9:00 AM – Volunteers and Families of St. Vincent De Paul, St. Rita Conference

11:00 AM – George and Mary Miko

…for whom we offer this Mass. Let us pray to the Lord….

Priest: Reassured that our loving God seeks out the lost until they are safe, we lift up all these prayers and many others, unspoken. In Christ’s name we pray….