Hearing God Speak to Us
God calls all of us to seek Him through the celebration of the Sacraments, ongoing education and living our lives as followers of Christ. Children have the beautiful disposition of experiencing God through untainted eyes and ears that welcome His presence in their lives with joy and promise. Our goal at St. Rita is to help foster that curiosity and love through knowledge of our faith practices, Scripture and the Sacraments, to expose children to the vast wonders of a close relationship with God.
Our faith formation, or religious education programs, here at St. Rita, are based on the four pillars of formation: 1) To Know, 2) to Love, 3) to Serve and 4) to Celebrate our faith. The curriculum we use is from the Sophia Institute and follows the guidelines established by the Diocese of Lansing. For more information about those guidelines, click HERE.
In addition, our youngest disciples, ages 3-6, will be invited to experience their faith through a Montessori-based program called Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Our beautiful Atrium welcomes them into a self-led discovery of their faith through hands-on activities and works. For more information about CGS, click HERE.
Registration forms are required for all participants. Medical Release Forms are required for all who plan to attend in-person classes. These forms can be found by clicking HERE.
Each month we will address the four pillars of faith in a different format based on the liturgical calendar. Please stop by the classroom hallway to see what we are focusing on this month.
“Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” Matthew 19:14
Each summer, we offer a five-day Vacation Bible School. Our next VBS will be held July 28th through August 1, 2025. The theme is “True North, Trusting God in a Wild World”. Registration begins in April.