Service Ministries

Baby Love
This is a project started by Louanne Alber that helps families in need with items for their newborn-2T children. Donations of diapers, wipes, and socks are always needed. Please leave donations in Cornfield Hall. Contact Louanne at

Center for Women and Jackson Right to Life
This local organization is committed to providing compassionate care by accurately informing each woman about her body and the choices she has. Services are free and consultations are 100% confidential. Contact Dcn. Todd Dahlberg at

Garden Angels
This fabulous group plants and takes care of the large flower pots at the church entrances, along with some by the Columbarium niches. Contact Shelly Wilbur at

Jackson Interfaith Shelter “Lunch Bunch”
The St. Rita “Lunch Bunch” prepares and serves over 90 meals at the Jackson Interfaith Shelter to local people in need. This is a semi-monthly service. If you’d like to get involved with this ministry, contact Dcn. Todd Dahlberg at

Knights of Columbus
The Knights are men of faith and action who do charitable works for the good of the community and parish. Breakfasts are the second Sunday of each month after 9 a.m. Mass. The Knights of Columbus Council #7945 beneficiaries include: Jackson Center For Women, St. Rita Baby Love Project, St. Rita youth, Jackson Catholic Schools and parishioners in need. Contact Jim Stechschulte at 517-945-6091 or

Martha, Mary and Lazarus
For men and women looking to get involved in ministries such as greeting, sending cards to the homebound and assisting with funeral luncheons. Contact Ann and Ducky O’Neill at 517-740-1575.

Prayer Shawl Ministry
This ministry was established in 2009 to comfort the dying, the sick, and those who are sad or lonely. Contact Louanne Alber at if you or someone you know would benefit from receiving a prayer shawl. Yarn or monetary donations welcome.

St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) —St. Rita Conference
This worldwide conference of lay Catholics was founded in 1883 to serve the poor. Our conference provides food, clothing and household items to those in need. SVDP meets in the St. Vincent de Paul Room, see the schedule on the bulletin board. Contact Marge Maladecki at

Stephen Ministry
Ministers are members of our congregation who completed 50 hours of training to minister to people experiencing a crisis. In your time of need, a Stephen Minister will meet with you to listen, encourage and support you. Contact Dcn. Chris Vida at

Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers
We encourage those who have made their First Communion to serve. Assisting during Mass is an honor and teaches you a lot about the liturgy. Please contact Dcn. Chris Vida at if you would like to serve.

Altar Society
Do you like to decorate? Join the Altar Society! You’ll work alongside other creative parishioners to bring beautiful sceneries and setups within the church to life! Contact Michelle Bellfy at

Our choir gathers to sing at the 9 a.m. Mass on Sunday mornings. If you would like to join please contact our Director of Music, B.J. Hohnke at

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (EMEs)
These trained members of our parish help distribute Holy Communion during Mass. We also have ministers who bring the Eucharist to the sick and homebound. Contact Dcn. Chris Vida at

Have you ever noticed the smiling faces in the gathering area? Our greeters have a very important job to welcome parishioners as they arrive for Mass. Greeters are affiliated with Martha, Mary and Lazarus, please contact Ann O’Neill at 517-740-1575.

Proclaiming Sacred Scripture is an essential part of our weekend liturgies. Lectors are entrusted with this as well as announcing special intentions and intercessions. Contact Dcn. Chris Vida at

These trained individuals assist in preparing for Mass. Contact Dcn. Chris.

Our ushers are trained to help with the church offertory collection, seating and greeting, as well as emergency situations. Contact Jan Strait at

Prayer Groups and Faith Formation Opportunities

Over the course of a three-day retreat participants listen to fifteen different spiritual talks about the Christian life. The talks relate to real-life experiences, which become the basis for small-group discussions. After a Cursillo event, participants are encouraged to take what they’ve learned that weekend and apply it to their daily lives. Participants are then invited to group reunions and larger gatherings called Ultreya (“to go further”) and are frequently held here at St. Rita. Contact Deb Benedict at 517-250-4868 or Dan Wawiernia at 517-748-1670.

Eucharistic Adoration
Each Thursday evening there is an hour of Adoration in the church during Mass when Jesus is exposed in the monstrance. Contact Nancy Carter at

Light of Life Intercessory Prayer
Join us for song, scripture reading, reflection and intercessory prayer each Tuesday after the 9:00 a.m. Mass in Classroom #4. Contact Marilyn Troska at 517-902-5527.

Men’s Discipleship Group
Meets the first Saturday of each month from 8-9 a.m. in the Pumpkin Patch. Contact Deacon Todd Dahlberg for more information.

Rosary Group
Pray the Rosary with others on Tuesday afternoons at 4:30 p.m. and Wednesday mornings after the 9:00 a.m. Mass. Contact Judy Shovels at

Walking With Purpose
Our ladies at St. Rita have been participating in Walking with Purpose bible studies for the last 5 years and regularly have two sessions running. One session is in the morning and one is offered in the evenings, typically. Contact Nancy Carter at

Classes and Programs

Alpha is a series of sessions over 6-weeks, including a day or weekend away. Each session starts with a meal, followed by a talk and then a discussion in small groups. The talks range in topics and cover the beliefs of our faith as Christians and the culture surrounding it. Contact Dcn. Todd Dahlberg at

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS)
Held in the Atrium, CGS is a Montessori based program for young children. Contact Nancy Carter at

Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Sunday mornings during the 9:00 a.m. Mass kids will hear the word of the Lord and do an activity. Contact Nancy Carter.

Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA)
OCIA is a process of conversion, turning our life toward Jesus and the Catholic Church and prepares a person for a lifelong commitment as a Catholic. The initiation of new members is celebrated each year at Easter Vigil. Contact Dcn. Chris Vida at

Growing in Faith Together (GIFT)
Held on the second Tuesday of each month, this program is designed to go deeper into your faith while surrounded by other parishioners doing the same. Contact Nancy Carter.

Quilts from the Heart
Non-denominational quilters of all skill levels meet the second Monday of each month in Cornfield Hall from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. A potluck lunch will be available. Bring a dish to pass if you wish. Contact Marilyn Troska at 517-902-5527 or Janice DeBaeke at 517-937-9816.

Religious Education
Classes start in September and run until the first week of May. Grades K – 8 meet after the 9:00 a.m. Mass on Sundays until 11:00 a.m. Contact Nancy Carter at

Theology On Tap (ToT)
Held at a local bar or restaurant, this is an opportunity to ask questions about faith in an informal and relaxed environment. Watch for our next Theology on Tap! Contact Dcn. Todd Dahlberg at

Yoga with Candy
Yoga combines physical postures with breathing techniques that can help build endurance, physical strength and flexibility. Join us on Thursday mornings in the summertime. Chair yoga is at 9 a.m. and yoga flow is at 10. Contact Candy Shay at

Youth Ministry
Our EDGE middle school group (grades 6-8) meets at 10-11 a.m., while Lifeteen, (grades 9-12) meets from 6-7:30 p.m. We also have special events and activities throughout the year. For updated schedules please see the bulletin boards outside of the youth room or contact Abby Walraven at

St. Rita Councils and Committees
(by Appointment/Request of the Pastor)

Building Committee
After significant renovation and expansion, this committee continues to plan and visualize ideal use of our property and facilities.

Finance Committee
We count on those skilled in this area to oversee and advise our financial resources. Meets quarterly.

Pastoral Council
This council serves to give input to our pastor regarding our mission and vision. The council meets every other month on a Saturday morning. Contact Chrissy Losey at

Welcome Committee
This group of parishioners is in charge of reaching out to new parishioners and assembling welcome bags for those new people. Contact Chrissy Losey at for more information.