Our Parish Vision Statement:
We strive to be confident in our faith, comfortable in sharing that faith, dynamic in celebrating it and generous because of it.
Our Parish Mission Statement:
St Rita is an Active Catholic community that welcomes all God’s children for worship and service. We are dedicated to living and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ now and in ways not yet imagined.

Reconciliation / Confession
Confessions are on Saturdays from 3-4 p.m., and Sundays 8-8:45 a.m., and 10:15-10:45 a.m. To schedule a different time, call Fr. Bosco at 517-592-5470.
Anointing of the Sick
Every 3 months after weekend liturgies. Contact the office to arrange for the Sacrament of the Sick and/or communion whenever anyone is ill or having surgery.

Please contact the office to arrange a Baptism class and to schedule the date. Most baptisms are at weekend liturgies. 517-592-5470
First Communion and First Reconciliation
Our process for preparing for the Sacrament of First Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist normally takes place for our students in 2nd grade. Students must have at least one year of formal religious education prior to starting the preparation program. The program involves in-class and at-home components with a late January/mid-February date for First Reconciliation and an early May date for First Eucharist. Registration forms are available by clicking HERE.
This year, Confirmation prep at St. Rita’s will consist mainly of EDGE participation and monthly meetings held on the fourth Sunday of the month from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. in the youth room (our normal EDGE time). During these meetings, we will discuss the meaning and purpose of Confirmation, ways to pray, ways to grow in faith, and other relevant topics. There will be a small task for candidates to complete between each meeting as well. To learn more about our Confirmation program, please click here.

Funeral masses for registered St. Rita’s parishioners and their families are usually available Tuesday through Saturday at 11 a.m. Monday services are not generally available; Sundays are not available for funerals. Funeral luncheon arrangements can be made by contacting the parish office. 517-592-5470
Placement in the columbarium is available for registered St. Rita’s parishioners only. Please consult with our priest for prices and details. Click here to view funeral hymn selections.
Couples, contact the office as soon as you are engaged to begin the preparation process for this great sacrament.
If either party has been previously married there is a required procedure that must be followed to obtain a Declaration of Freedom to marry again in the Catholic Church. If either party has been previously married in the Catholic Church, an Annulment is also required. For more details on Annulments, read the articles on the About Page of the Diocese of Lansing site.