Intercessions – April 3, 2022

Priest: Remembering that we are called… to faith, to service, to prayer, fasting and almsgiving, we lift up these prayers in humble confidence….

  1. For compassion and mercy rather than judgment and condemnation when dealing with others, let us pray to the Lord….                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
  1. That those who are dead because of sin turn to Christ and rise to new life in him, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. For continued progress in our battle against the coronavirus, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. That peace and integrity soon supplant the brute violence and pervasive dishonesty in the war in Ukraine, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. For all those preparing to become a part of the Church through the RCIA and for great participation in our upcoming Alpha program, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. That our nation soon establishes legal protection for the unborn, let us pray to the Lord….
  1. For all who have gone before us and those who grieve them, in particular… 

4:30 PM — Glen Martin

9:00 AM – James and Marguerite Cannon

11:00 AM – Antonio Catella and Joan Martus

 for whom we offer this Mass. Let us pray to the Lord….

Priest: In the spirit of the theme of our DSA appeal, may we stir up one another to love and good works as we humbly and confidently lift up these prayers and many others, unspoken. In Christ’s name we pray….